Mga Pahina

Sabado, Enero 31, 2009

Im not interested about Michael Katsidis

Hmmm... When was the first time I had a knowledge about this guy? Oh I remember, he was the one who fought the famed "El Cepillo" of Cuba, the dethroned Ring Magazine Light Weight Champion, Joel Casamayor (he lost the title to Juan Manuel Marquez, an 11th round KO). I watched that fight (Katsidis v.s. Casamayor) on YouTube, and I can't believe that one! Katsidis owned the first 6 rounds of the bout, and almost knocked Casmayor's butt down right to the deck, but as they say, miracles do happen, Casamayor reversed the tide and made Katsidis' face a bloody-one. The former won the fight via TKO.

When I turned the TV on, it was the 8th round of Katsidis' bout, he was against that Spanish-Argentinian guy, his surname was Ramirez (I forgot his first name), and I expected that Michael's gonna win that one. I watched the the whole two rounds (8 to 9), it was really boring.. Both fighters are counter punchers, so it only means one thing, these two are just waiting for their opponent to attack before they make their move.. But Katsidis showed a little bit of aggression, and Ramirez defended himself pretty good. But still the bout was really boring, and primarily, I'M NOT INTERESTED ABOUT KATSIDIS. I just watched his fight due to curiosity (damn that curiosity thing!). Everybody doesn't care about this fight and everybody in the world is waiting for the mega-blockbuster showdown of People's Champ Manny Pacquiao and The British Bulldog Ricky "Hitman" Hatton to be held at the MGM Grand Las Vegas, the place where Pacman demolished the Golden Boy of boxing, the no less-than, Oscar Dela Hoya.

And so I switched the channel, this time to CS Sports. WOAH! My Lakers are up against the Grizzlies. So the Gasol brothers are up against each other, again. But, Kobe and companyare trailing by 3 pts, but Trevor Ariza tied it up. The Grizzlies made a 6-0 spurt, it started with the two back-to-back baseline jumpers of Hakim Warrick and a dunk courtesy of Rudy Gay, off an O.J. Mayo alley-hoop pass. But before the first period ended, Andrew Bynum was injured, he twisted his right knee. Clumsy Kobe. But Lamar Odom made a drive from the rightside of the court, and ended a strong one-handed flush to end the quarter. Eventually, the Lakers did won 115-98.

I'm waiting for the clock to reach 6pm, 'coz I'm going to watch the Game 4 of the Finals of PBA Philippine. I'm cheering for the Alaska Aces, btw.. Theyl'll gonna sweep the Talk N' Text tropang Texters. I hate Macmac Cardona

My First Post

"WOW! I mean, WOW!" -Richard Hamilton on Rasheed Wallace-

Yes! My first post on this newly-made blog.. At last I made one (confetti).. I am now joining the ranks of KC Concepcion, Bianca Gonzalez, and some other local celebs (BTW, I admire Bianca a lot)..

Now, you may ask, what pushed me to make a blog like this? And, hey, is this a waste of my precious time or what? Actually I've tried out a few blogs before like 50megs (miraculously, it is still alive and running, thanks 50 megs), freewebs (it was a group blog, but I made it myself) and the famed, multiply (I forgot my password, that's why I don't post on that anymore). Sadly, all of those mentioned were not maintanined 'coz, the owner is lazy :)

A former classmate, (we shall give him an alias of John Deo Luengo to hide his real identity) influenced me to make a blog.. He was maintaining a blog of his own, because it was required in their subject (strict instructor, that explains it).. I was watching him editing the layout of his blog, and it kinda draw a little interest from me. But, I hate writing! Yes, you heard it right, I do hate writing long stuffs like this.. Although, I love making poems, some articles (sports articles to be exact), columns and opinions (I am a contributor in a site where I post my weekly column, basketball, of course), but to jot down my thoughts on a piece of page in the internet like this, nah, forget it. I'd better iron my clothes at home, rather done doing this one..

But still, the curiousity is there.. Why don't I try this one?

Primarily, the interest in editing and designing the layouts is my main purpose why I created this one.. But since this this blog requires posting anything what you want (all blogs require posting, and that's the essence of blogging; posting.. I'm not using brain), okay, I'll post, maybe not daily, but let's hope (w/ fingers crossed) I can post on a weekly basis..

This is the start of a long, long suffering in posting and maintaining this blog of mine (or should I say this is an eternal agony).. I'm going to write, write and write my thoughts, feelings, daily experiences, latest about me on this blog.. And maybe (hey let's be positive), I'll love blogging eventually, and no one knows, maybe someone from abroad may read this one accidentally ('coz this is as famous as Barack Obama or what) and write up a comment on this and say; 'I love your blog man, what's you're name? Where do you live? Do you really love blogging (you know what is my answer)? I'll hire you here and be one of the administrators in our company..' Am I dreaming of something or what?

I do hope you enjoy visiting my blog and reading my posts.. I'll try my very best to maintin this.. Adios Amigos!