Mga Pahina

Biyernes, Pebrero 17, 2012

My Old Man

Hmm. I was actually thinking of a beautiful introduction line for today, but, my poorness in vocabulary halted me. But anyways.. (the sound of the blender machine at the background drills a hole in my brain!)

I am posting for today because it is a special day for someone who made a significant influence in me, and it is my father, it's his birthday. Unfortunately, no cakes to eat, no candles to blow and no gathering to host. Dad passed away 12 years ago while I'm still on my elementary days. My life turned a complete 360 degrees when that day came. Let me share this for you folks.

Dad was born and grew up in the province, where his father - my granddad - owns a little piece of land where they usually plant and sow kinds of stuffs (I apologize, I cant post any pics of him, mom kept it somewhere else). As far as I can remember, he told us that everyday, he and his brother wakes up early though it still dark to start plowing the field. But if they fail to go out to the field as early as 5 am, my grandfather would shout at them. His life was like that until he found an opportunity to work overseas. There he started to improve his living. And also according to my aunt, mom and dad were pen pals, they kept exchanging letters for years in a so-called long distance affair (no cellphones or Facebook at that time). Mom also told me that as soon as my father went home here in the country, they got married. Few years passed and their cute baby boy was born. lol

I can say that my life before as a kid growing up with my dad was, a bit taste of hell. He was so strict on me and would always be on me. I thought before that I did nothing right in his eyes and all I did is to disappoint him. I started to feel hatred towards him. There was one evening that I was watching him sleeping and I almost threw a punch on him, that's how much I hate him. But one thing's for sure that I learned from him and I value the most, that is to keep on working hard until reaching your goals and be successful by the use of your own strength and capabilities. And that's where I think I am right now. When he died, I was not that kind of breaking down on my knees and cry hysterically. I did not feel a complete sadness, but though I hated him a lot, I wasn't happy either. What I felt is, something is missing on me and since I am still young, can't figure it out what it is and I also don't understand why I felt such. Since that day, my family's life changed. Mom has to make a living for me and my younger sister but right now, I am happy to say that I take that responsibility now.

Growing up with dad's iron-fist policy was so hard. But then as time passed by, I then realized that he was just trying to teach me a lesson, which I bet he also got from his old man and that is to strive hard at your best. And since I am the eldest, I also realized that he just wanted me to be firm and strong at all times and stand up and fight for what you think is right as long as you do not hurt others. And I thank him for that. I know that he is watching me from wherever he is right now and I know he is proud of me, I know I grew up exactly what he wants me to be. Happy birthday to the Master Jedi and my first hero, my dad. :D

Miyerkules, Pebrero 15, 2012

Return of the Jedi

YES!! at last.. i was able to get my blog back.. after almost 2 years of hiatus from the blogging world and 2 years of trying to remember what's my password here, i am nothing short of being so happy that i can now again share my thoughts, tweets, posts, outcries, reactions, comments, opinions and everything synonymous to all those i mentioned..

i would like to thank a few people for inspiring me to RESURRECT this one: Imelee, Sunshine and Mama Dianne (peace). and i would also apologize if the blog's skin and header are not updated or not that attractive. i am currently working on this starting today to renovate or remodel the blog's appearance..

so folks, stay tuned, and HERE WE GO!